Peripheral Vision

Sorry for my late post; I’ve made big leaps recently and it’s left me feeling puzzled.

Although my wardrobe overhaul is still in progress, I’m seeing myself in a new light.  Outside and in I’m not the ‘me’ I was a year ago.  I’ve made significant progress on my wardrobe overhaul, but there’s more to it than a few new outfit combinations.  I’ve leapt much further than I’d imagined, so I’ll have to tweak my travel plans.  A few more changes and perhaps my new self will move into full focus.

WordPress prompt: Puzzled

The post Peripheral Vision first appeared on Filbert & Smudge.

Less is More

So far this month I’ve parted company with more items of clothing than I’ve gotten rid of in the past few years.  And I’ve rediscovered more too.

We’ve all heard the suggestion that we only wear a small proportion of our wardrobe a large proportion of the time (and until recently that applied to me too).  But with a recent wardrobe refresh (prompted by the discovery of holes in a few of my merino wool jumpers), I’m gaining a new perspective on everything I have and how things can be combined in ways I’d never previously imagined.

At the moment, my creative energy is directed towards my inner architect as I scrutinise the clothes I own and the outfits I pull together (and any damage that can or can’t be repaired).  I’m challenging myself to wear things I haven’t worn for a while, and questioning the point of hanging onto ‘vintage’ stuff when I just won’t wear them again.  (They’re off to charity, by the way.)

Dressing up or down at the start of the day is a joy I look forward to, and I have an inkling this new approach to decluttering will not be restricted to my wardrobe.

WordPress prompt: Inkling

The post Less is More first appeared on Filbert & Smudge.

Changing Room

One thing I’ve discovered from writing through my thoughts over the past 21 months is that for things to change, you need to change a few things.  And small changes are just as significant as bigger ones.

Having written before about the impact of attire on my mood, I realised it would help if I got it right first time every time with a wardrobe refresh.  Feng shui probably doesn’t spring to mind when you’re looking to review your own wardrobe, but I wanted some fresh ideas, and it helped me rethink my studio last year.

This post by California goes beyond the usual tips to declutter and colour co-ordinate your clothes; just what I was looking for.  Starting with step 2, I’ve reordered my own things from side to side, as follows:

  • Work clothes (which represent prosperity)
  • Casual and weekend wear (relationships with loved ones)
  • Creative wear, for drawing, gardening, baking and… (inspiration and my artistic side)
  • Formal clothes (success)
  • Lingerie and date night outfits (love)

Then you can arrange each section by colour and type (steps 3 and 4).

If you haven’t got time to declutter first, you can do that once you’ve taken stock of everything you have, one section at a time, as I am.  My mood has definitely been lifted, and it’s much easier to find the perfect outfit for an evening out, or for getting covered in charcoal dust.

The post Changing Room first appeared on Filbert & Smudge.

All for One?

I’m almost done.  My casual winter wardrobe is set aside, and I’m reviewing a few other items that I haven’t worn for a while.  The rest will have to wait until spring beckons.

Focusing in on just one project isn’t such a bad idea.  I see that now.  Picking a wardrobe category and giving it my full attention has helped me get close to this particular finish line.  But I’m not sure whether I could approach my creative work in the same way.

  • How do I balance building my technical skills with the joy of exploring an illustration or design project?
  • What if I get stuck?
  • How do I make the smooth transition from one finished project to a brand new one?

Seeing how my wardrobe has benefited from my (almost) undivided attention, I’m sure my sketchbook would appreciate some quality time with me, too.

The post All for One? first appeared on Filbert & Smudge.