New Beginnings

I’m making a fresh start.

I began this year with big ideas for positive change – I wrote out quite a list of New Year Resolutions, and then put off planning how I would work towards each one. Why? Well, in some respects I got caught up in other people’s dreams for a while, and it’s a habit I’ve been practicing for many years.

Decisions are tough when your confidence or self-esteem falters. You look for a way forward, sharing someone else’s ideas, inspirations, or dreams because they express the confidence and self-esteem you seek. The difficult decision of ‘what to do in the foreseeable future’ has been made, albeit by someone else. Over time you lose sight of your own needs and values, because their ideas, inspirations or dreams have become yours.

As a new month (and my birthday…yay!) approached, I felt it was a good time to rewrite my ‘New Year Resolutions’ with a stronger focus and me in mind. We often comment how quickly a year can pass us by, so in reality it won’t be long before I’m reviewing my achievements and forging ahead with new, bigger goals!

So, this year I resolve to overhaul my wardrobe, and become prolifically creative. There, just the two, I think that’s enough for now.

What triggered your new year resolutions?

Until next time.

The post New Beginnings first appeared on Filbert & Smudge.

13 thoughts on “New Beginnings

  1. Amazing to see you here! best of luck for your blog. . Your blog layout is amazing!! … great work..
    I hope you will have best birthday 🙂


  2. Never a bad time to revisit your resolutions. I never made mine this year because I always thought resolutions never lasted. If anything, I decided to make a lifestyle change, and that was to bring control of my life in my own hands through positive thinking. And I’m sure you can attest to how real that really is.

    Feel free to take a look at my blog as well since I just launched mine a couple of weeks ago. I send you many thanks in advance!

    Good luck with your writing and resolutions!


  3. Thank you, Shiv. I treat my resolutions as a year-long project, so any positive change at the end of 12 months is a success in my view.
    Good luck with your blog, and well done for writing so honestly.

    Liked by 1 person

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